Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# encoding=utf8

from __future__ import (absolute_import, division,
                        print_function, unicode_literals)
import numpy as np
from packaging import version
import fitsio
import pdat
from .file import BaseFile
from ..utils import make_quant
from ..signal import Signal
from ..signal import FilterBankSignal
# Not sure if we can require PINT as a dependency...
import pint.models as models
import pint.polycos as polycos
import pint.toa as toa

__all__ = ["PSRFITS"]

[docs]class PSRFITS(BaseFile): """A class for saving PsrSigSim signals as PSRFITS standard files. Parameters ---------- path: str name and path of new psrfits file that will be saved obs_mode: str what type of observation is the data, SEARCH, PSR, etc. template: str the path and name of the template fits file that will be loaded copy_template: bool Does nothing? fits_mode: str How we want to save the data, right now just 'copy' is valid """ def __init__(self, path=None, obs_mode=None, template=None, copy_template=False,fits_mode='copy'): self._tbin = None self._nbin = None self._nsblk = None self._nchan = None self._npol = None self._nrows = None self._tsubint = None self._chan_bw = None self._obsbw = None self._obsfreq = None self._fits_mode = fits_mode if template is None: template_path = False else: template_path = template super().__init__(path=path) self.file = pdat.psrfits(psrfits_path=path, mode='rw', from_template=template_path, obs_mode=obs_mode, verbose=False) if obs_mode is None: self.obs_mode = self.file.obs_mode else: self.obs_mode = obs_mode #Lists of needed parameters from the PSRFITS file. self.pfit_pars = {'PRIMARY':['TELESCOP', 'FRONTEND', 'BACKEND', 'OBS_MODE', 'OBSFREQ', 'OBSBW', 'OBSNCHAN', 'FD_POLN', 'STT_IMJD', 'STT_SMJD', 'STT_OFFS'], 'SUBINT':['TBIN', 'NAXIS', 'NAXIS1', 'NAXIS2', 'NCHAN', 'POL_TYPE', 'NPOL', 'NBIN', 'NBITS', 'CHAN_BW', 'NSBLK', 'DAT_SCL', 'DAT_OFFS', 'DAT_WTS', "TSUBINT",], # TTYPE2 is the subint length 'PSRPARAM':[ ] } #Might not need this, since we can calculate from other terms. if self.obs_mode=='SEARCH': self.pfit_pars['SUBINT'].append('TDIM17') elif self.obs_mode=='PSR': #self.pfit_pars['SUBINT'].append('TDIM20') for k in self.file.fits_template['SUBINT'].read_header().keys(): if 'TDIM' in k: self.pfit_pars['SUBINT'].append(k) self.pfit_pars['PSRPARAM'].append('F') # Need both there depending on the template file. Only one will work. self.pfit_pars['PSRPARAM'].append('F0') # We will define a function that will generate a dictionary with the parameters needed to replace POLYCO header params def _gen_polyco(self, parfile, MJD_start, segLength = 60.0, ncoeff = 15, \ maxha=12.0, method="TEMPO", numNodes=20, usePINT = True): """ This will be a convenience function to generate polycos and subsequent parameters to replace the values in a PSRFITS file header. The default way to do this will be to use PINT (usePINT = True), with other methods currently unsupported. Parameters ---------- parfile : str Path to par file used to generate the polycos. The observing frequency, and observatory will come from the par file MJD_start : float Start MJD of the polyco. Should start no later than the beginning of the observation segLength : float Length in minutes of the range covered by the polycos generated. Default is 60 minutes ncoeff : int Number of polyco coeffeicients to generate. Default is 15, the same as in the PSRFITS file maxha : float Max hour angle needed by PINT. Default is 12.0 method : str Method PINT uses to generate the polyco. Currently only TEMPO is supported. numNodes : int Number of nodes PINT will use to fit the polycos. Must be larger than ncoeff usePINT : int Method used to generate polycos. Currently only PINT is supported. """ if usePINT: # Define dictionary to put parameters into polyco_dict = {'NSPAN' : segLength, 'NCOEF' : ncoeff} # load parfile to PINT model object m = models.get_model(parfile) # Determine MJD_end based on segLength MJD_end = MJD_start + np.double(make_quant(segLength,'min').to('day').value) # MJD # Determine obseratory and observing frequency obsFreq = m.TZRFRQ.value # in MHz polyco_dict['REF_FREQ'] = obsFreq obs = m.TZRSITE.value # string polyco_dict['NSITE'] = obs.encode('utf-8') # observatory code needs to be in binary # Get pulsar frequency polyco_dict['REF_F0'] = m.F0.value # get the polycos pcs = polycos.Polycos() pcs.generate_polycos(m, MJD_start, MJD_end, obs, segLength, ncoeff, obsFreq, maxha=12.0, method="TEMPO", \ numNodes=20) coeffs = pcs.polycoTable['entry'][-1].coeffs polyco_dict['COEFF'] = coeffs # Now we need to determine the reference MJD, and phase REF_MJD = np.double(pcs.polycoTable['tmid'][-1]) polyco_dict['REF_MJD'] = REF_MJD # Now find the phase difference tmid_toa = toa.get_TOAs_list([toa.TOA(REF_MJD, obs=obs, freq=obsFreq)]) ref_phase = m.phase(tmid_toa) # Need to force positive value if ref_phase.frac.value[0] < 0.0: ref_frac_phase = 1.0 - abs(ref_phase.frac.value[0]) else: ref_frac_phase = ref_phase.frac.value[0] polyco_dict['REF_PHS'] = ref_frac_phase return polyco_dict else: #print("Only PINT is currently supported for generating polycos") raise NotImplementedError("Only PINT is currently supported for generating polycos") # Define a function to collect the metadata necessary for phase connection def _gen_metadata(self, signal, pulsar, ref_MJD = 56000.0, inc_len = 0.0): """ Function for determining the remaining numbers necessary to phase connect the TOAs. In particular OFFS_SUB values in the subint header and STT_IMJD/SMJD/OFFS values for files we desire to have some phase connection. Parameters ---------- signal : `psrsigsim.signal.Signal` Signal class object that will contain necessary meta-data, e.g. nsub, sublen, etc. pulsar : `psrsigsim.signal.Pulsar` Pulsar class object, will contain necessary meta-data, e.g. period ref_MJD : float Initial time to reference the observations to (MJD). This value should be the start MJD (fraction if necessary) of the first file, default is 56000.0 inc_len : float Time difference (days) between reference MJD and new phase connected MJD, default is 0 (e.g. no time difference) """ # Assign appropriate units inc_len = make_quant(np.double(inc_len), 'day') init_MJD = make_quant(ref_MJD, 'day') # Define the dictionaries subint_dict = {'EPOCHS' : 'MIDTIME'} # I think that's what we want primary_dict = {} # Define the offs_sub values based on nsub and sublen OFF_SUBS = np.zeros(signal.nsub) for ii in range(signal.nsub): OFF_SUBS[ii] = np.double(signal.sublen.value/2.0 + ii*signal.sublen.value) subint_dict['OFFS_SUB'] = OFF_SUBS # if the increment length is 0, then all other values can be zero as well init_fracMJD = make_quant(np.double('0.'+str(init_MJD.value).split('.')[-1]),'day').to('s') init_SMJD = np.double(str(init_fracMJD.value).split('.')[0]) init_OFFS = np.double('0.'+str(init_fracMJD.value).split('.')[-1]) if inc_len.value == 0.0: next_MJD = init_MJD next_seconds = make_quant(init_SMJD, 's') next_frac_sec = make_quant(init_OFFS, 's') #next_frac_sec = make_quant(0.0, 's') else: # Now determine the next appropriate staring MJD, SMJD, and SOFFS next_MJD = init_MJD+np.floor(inc_len) # Now get the number of seconds (and fractional seconds) leftover leftover_s = (inc_len-np.floor(inc_len)).to('s') next_seconds = make_quant(init_SMJD, 's') + np.floor(leftover_s) next_frac_sec = make_quant(init_OFFS, 's') + (leftover_s - np.floor(leftover_s)) # Assign these to dictionary values primary_dict['STT_IMJD'] = int(next_MJD.value) primary_dict['STT_SMJD'] = int(next_seconds.value) primary_dict['STT_OFFS'] = np.double(next_frac_sec.value) primary_dict['BE_DELAY'] = 0.0 return primary_dict, subint_dict def _edit_psrfits_header(self, polyco_dict, subint_dict, primary_dict): """ This function is used as a convienience function to edit the header data of a PSRFITS file, particularly the POLYCO, PRIMARY, and SUBINT headers. Parameters ---------- polyco_dict : dict Dictionary of polyco header parameters to be replaced as generated by _gen_polycos() function. subint_dict : dict Dictionary of subint header parameters to be replaced as generated by _gen_metadata() function. primary_dict : dict Dictionary of primary header parameters to be replaced as generated by _gen_metadata() function. """ # We go through each dictionary and replace the appropriate values; start with primary self.file.set_draft_header('PRIMARY', primary_dict) # Now do the subint header self.file.set_draft_header('SUBINT', {'EPOCHS' : subint_dict['EPOCHS']}) # Now replace the values of the offs_sub subints for ii in range(len(subint_dict['OFFS_SUB'])): self.file.HDU_drafts['SUBINT'][ii]['OFFS_SUB'] = subint_dict['OFFS_SUB'][ii] # And finally the polycos; for ky in polyco_dict.keys(): try: self.file.HDU_drafts['POLYCO'][0][ky] = polyco_dict[ky] except: print(ky) # And we want to get rid of many of the PSRPARAM lines, just in case? # NOTE: THIS IS HARDCODED AND WILL NEED TO BE FIXED EVENTUALLY delete_params = ["BINARY", "A1", "E", "T0", "PB", "OM", "SINI", "M2", "F1", \ "PMDEC", "PMRA", "TZRMJD", "TZRFRQ", "TZRSITE"] for param in self.file.HDU_drafts['PSRPARAM']: for dp in delete_params: if dp.encode('utf-8') == param[0].split()[0]: idx = np.where(param == self.file.HDU_drafts['PSRPARAM'])[0] self.file.HDU_drafts['PSRPARAM'] = np.delete(self.file.HDU_drafts['PSRPARAM'], idx) # Save the signal
[docs] def save(self, signal, pulsar, phaseconnect=False, parfile = None, \ MJD_start = 56000.0, segLength = 60.0, inc_len = 0.0, \ ref_MJD = 56000.0, usePint = True, eq_wts = True): """Save PSS signal file to disk. Currently only one mode of doing this is supported. Saved data can be phase connected but PSRFITS file metadata must be edited appropriately as well and requires the following input: Parameters ---------- signal [class] : signal type class (currently only filterbank is supported) used to get the data array to save and other metadata. pulsar [class] : pulsar type class used to generate the signal, used for metadata access. phaseconnect [bool] : If `False`, will not attempt to phase connect data rewrite polycos, etc. If `True`, will attempt to phase connect data and all other inputs must be provided. parfile [string] : path to par file used to generate the polycos. The observing frequency, and observatory will come from the par file. MJD_start [float] : Start MJD of the polyco. Should start no later than the beginning of the observation. segLength [float] : Length in minutes of the range covered by the polycos generated. Default is 60 minutes. ref_MJD [float] : initial time to reference the observations to (MJD). This value should be the start MJD (fraction if necessary) of the first file, default is 56000.0. inc_len [float] : time difference (days) between reference MJD and new phase connected MJD, default is 0 (e.g. no time difference). usePINT [bool] : Method used to generate polycos. Currently only PINT is supported. eq_wts [bool] : If `True` (default), replaces the data weights so that each subintegration and frequency channel have an equal weight in the file. If `False`, just copies the weights from the template file. """ """ # May come back to this later... if self._fits_mode == 'copy': pass elif self._fits_mode == 'manual': pass elif self._fits_mode == 'auto': pass """ # If mode not search, set nsblk to 1 if self.obs_mode != 'SEARCH': self.nsblk = 1 # We need to appropriatly shape the signal for the fits file stop = self.nbin*self.nsubint sim_sig =[:,:stop].astype('>i2') # out arrays Out = np.zeros((self.nsubint, self.npol, self.nchan, self.nbin)) print(np.shape(Out)) # We assign the data in the appropriate shape for ii in range(self.nsubint): idx0 = 0 + ii*2048 idxF = idx0 + 2048 Out[ii,0,:,:] = sim_sig[:,idx0:idxF] self.copy_psrfit_BinTables() # We can currently only make total intensity data self.file.set_draft_header('SUBINT',{'POL_TYPE':'AA+BB'}) for ii in range(self.nsubint): self.file.HDU_drafts['SUBINT'][ii]['DATA'] = Out[ii,0,:,:] self.file.HDU_drafts['SUBINT'][ii]['DAT_FREQ'] = signal.dat_freq.value if eq_wts: # Get the shapes of the wieghts, scales, and offs arrays, assumes we want to reset these to all be equal if len(np.shape(self.file.fits_template[4][0]['DAT_SCL'])) != 1: scale_shape = np.shape(self.file.fits_template[4][ii]['DAT_SCL'][:,:self.nchan*self.npol]) offs_shape = np.shape(self.file.fits_template[4][ii]['DAT_OFFS'][:,:self.nchan*self.npol]) weight_shape = np.shape(self.file.fits_template[4][ii]['DAT_WTS']) else: scale_shape = np.shape(self.file.fits_template[4][ii]['DAT_SCL'][:]) offs_shape = np.shape(self.file.fits_template[4][ii]['DAT_OFFS'][:]) weight_shape = np.shape(self.file.fits_template[4][ii]['DAT_WTS']) # Now assign the values #print(scale_shape, offs_shape, weight_shape) self.file.HDU_drafts['SUBINT'][ii]['DAT_SCL'] = np.ones(scale_shape) self.file.HDU_drafts['SUBINT'][ii]['DAT_OFFS'] = np.zeros(offs_shape) self.file.HDU_drafts['SUBINT'][ii]['DAT_WTS'] = np.ones(weight_shape) else: self.file.HDU_drafts['SUBINT'][ii]['DAT_SCL'] = self.file.fits_template[4][ii]['DAT_SCL'][:,:self.nchan*self.npol] self.file.HDU_drafts['SUBINT'][ii]['DAT_OFFS'] = self.file.fits_template[4][ii]['DAT_OFFS'][:,:self.nchan*self.npol] self.file.HDU_drafts['SUBINT'][ii]['DAT_WTS'] = self.file.fits_template[4][ii]['DAT_WTS'] """If we try to phase connect the data we want to do it here. If this is not done and the info not provided, the data saved to the fits file will likely not be appropriate for timing simulations.""" if phaseconnect: # generate the polyco parameters polyco_dict = self._gen_polyco(parfile, MJD_start, segLength = segLength, ncoeff = 15, \ maxha=12.0, method="TEMPO", numNodes=20, usePINT = usePint) # generate the primary header and subint header parameters primary_dict, subint_dict = self._gen_metadata(signal, pulsar, ref_MJD = ref_MJD, inc_len = inc_len) # Now edit the header parameters with the new phase connected values self._edit_psrfits_header(polyco_dict, subint_dict, primary_dict) else: print("NOTE: Phase connection is turned off! Simulated data may be inappropriate for timing experiments.") # Now we actually write out the files self.file.write_psrfits(hdr_from_draft=True) # Close the file so it doesn't take up memory or get confused with another file. self.file.close() print("Finished writing and saving the file")
[docs] def append(self, signal): """Method for appending data to an already existing PSS signal file. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def load(self): """Method for loading saved PSS signal files. These files will have an additional BinTable extension, 'PSRSIGSIM', that only contains a header with the various PsrSigSim parameters written for references. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def make_signal_from_psrfits(self): """Method to make a signal from the PSRFITS file given as the template. For subintegrated data will assume the initial period is the pulsar period given in the PSRPARAM header. TODO: Currently does not support generating 'SEARCH' mode data from a psrfits file Parameters ---------- Returns ------- psrsigsim.Signal """ self._fits_mode = 'copy' self._get_signal_params() if self.obs_mode == 'PSR': # Get correct period value from template fits options if self.pfit_dict['F'] is None and self.pfit_dict['F0'] is not None: s_rate = self.pfit_dict['F0']*self.nbin*10**-6 # in MHz elif self.pfit_dict['F'] is not None and self.pfit_dict['F0'] is None: s_rate = self.pfit_dict['F']*self.nbin*10**-6 # in MHz elif self.pfit_dict['F'] is not None and self.pfit_dict['F0'] is not None: s_rate = self.pfit_dict['F0']*self.nbin*10**-6 # in MHz else: msg = "No pulsar frequency defined in input fits file." raise ValueError(msg) else: s_rate = (1/self.tbin).to('MHz').value S = FilterBankSignal(fcent=self.obsfreq.value, bandwidth=self.obsbw.value, Nsubband=self.nchan, sample_rate=s_rate, dtype=np.float32, fold = True, sublen=self.tsubint) S._dat_freq = make_quant(self._get_pfit_bin_table_entry('SUBINT', 'DAT_FREQ'), 'MHz') return S
[docs] def copy_psrfit_BinTables(self, ext_names='all'): """Method to copy BinTables from the PSRFITS file given as the template. Parameters ---------- ext_names : list, 'all' List of BinTable Extensions to copy. Defaults to all, but does not copy DATA array in SUBINT BinTable. """ if ext_names == 'all': ext_names = self.file.draft_hdr_keys[1:] ext_names.remove('SUBINT') for ky in ext_names: self.file.copy_template_BinTable(ky) self.file.set_subint_dims(nbin=self.nbin, nsblk=self.nsblk, nchan=self.nchan, nsubint=self.nrows, npol=self.npol, data_dtype=self.dtypes['DATA'][0], obs_mode=self.pfit_dict['OBS_MODE']) self.file.copy_template_BinTable(ext_name='SUBINT', cols=self.file.single_subint_floats)
[docs] def to_txt(self): """Convert file to txt file. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def to_psrfits(self): """Convert file to PSRFITS file. """ return NotImplementedError()
[docs] def set_sky_info(self): """Enter various astronomical and observing data into PSRFITS draft.""" raise NotImplementedError()
def _calc_psrfits_dims(self, signal): """ Calculate the needed dimensions of a PSRFITS file from a PSS.signal object. """ raise NotImplementedError() def _get_signal_params(self, signal = None): """ Calculate/retrieve the various parameters to make a PSS signal object from a given PSRFITS file. if signal is given as a Signal() class object, then the values will be taken from the signal class instead of a given PSRFITS file. """ # get paramters from fits file if signal == None: self._make_psrfits_pars_dict() self.nchan = self.pfit_dict['NCHAN'] self.tbin = self.pfit_dict['TBIN'] self.nbin = self.pfit_dict['NBIN'] self.npol = self.pfit_dict['NPOL'] self.nrows = self.pfit_dict['NAXIS2'] self.nsblk = self.pfit_dict['NSBLK'] self.obsfreq = self.pfit_dict['OBSFREQ'] self.obsbw = self.pfit_dict['OBSBW'] self.chan_bw = self.pfit_dict['CHAN_BW'] self.stt_imjd = self.pfit_dict['STT_IMJD'] # start MJD of obs self.stt_smjd = self.pfit_dict['STT_SMJD'] # start second of obs self.tsubint = self.pfit_dict['TSUBINT'] # length of subint in seconds if self.obs_mode=='PSR': self.nsubint = self.nrows else: self.nsubint = None # get parameters from signal class else: self._make_psrfits_pars_dict() self.nchan = signal.Nchan self.tbin = 1.0/signal.samprate self.nbin = int(signal.nsamp/signal.nsub) self.npol = self.pfit_dict['NPOL']#signal.Npols self.nrows = signal.nsub self.nsblk = self.pfit_dict['NSBLK'] self.obsfreq = signal.fcent self.obsbw = self.chan_bw = / signal.Nchan #self.stt_imjd = self.pfit_dict['STT_IMJD'] # start MJD of obs #self.stt_smjd = self.pfit_dict['STT_SMJD'] # start second of obs self.tsubint = signal.sublen # length of subint in seconds if self.obs_mode=='PSR': self.nsubint = self.nrows else: self.nsubint = None def _make_psrfits_pars_dict(self): """ Make parameters from PSRFITS file template into a dictionary for initializing PsrSigSim signal object. """ self.pfit_dict = {} for extname in self.pfit_pars.keys(): for ky in self.pfit_pars[extname]: if 'DAT' in ky: val = self._get_pfit_bin_table_entry('SUBINT', ky) elif 'TSUBINT' in ky: val = self._get_pfit_bin_entry('SUBINT', ky) elif extname == "PSRPARAM": val = self._get_pfit_psrparam(extname, ky) else: val = self._get_pfit_hdr_entry(extname,ky) if isinstance(val,str) or isinstance(val,bytes): val = val.strip() self.pfit_dict.update({ky:val}) idx = self.file.draft_hdr_keys.index('SUBINT') dtypes = self.file.get_HDU_dtypes(self.file.fits_template[idx]) self.dtypes = dict([(item[0],item[1]) if len(item)==2 else (item[0],(item[1],item[2])) for item in dtypes]) def _get_pfit_hdr_entry(self, extname, key): """Retrieve a single header entry from PSRFITS file.""" idx = self.file.draft_hdr_keys.index(extname) return self.file.fits_template[idx].read_header()[key] def _get_pfit_bin_table_entry(self, extname, key, row=0): """Retrieve a single header entry from PSRFITS file.""" idx = self.file.draft_hdr_keys.index(extname) try: return self.file.fits_template[idx][key][row][0] except: return self.file.fits_template[idx][key][row] def _get_pfit_bin_entry(self, extname, key, row=0): """Retrieve a single header entry from PSRFITS file. Different from get_pfit_bin_table_entry, this gets just single value parameters (e.g. TSUBINT), not arrays or list values. """ idx = self.file.draft_hdr_keys.index(extname) return self.file.fits_template[idx][key][row] def _get_pfit_psrparam(self, extname, param): """Retrieve a single value from the PSRPARAM header. This has a different format than the SUBINT or PRIMARY headers. """ idx = self.file.draft_hdr_keys.index(extname) for val in self.file.fits_template[idx][:]: # Have correction based on version of fitsio being used if version.parse(fitsio.__version__) >= version.parse('1.0.1'): if param == val[0].split()[0]: return np.float64(val[0].split()[1].replace("D","E")) else: if param == val[0].split()[0].decode("utf-8"): return np.float64(val[0].split()[1].decode("utf-8").replace("D","E")) #### Define various PSRFITS parameters @property def tbin(self): return self._tbin @tbin.setter def tbin(self, value): self._tbin = make_quant(value,'s') @property def npol(self): return self._npol @npol.setter def npol(self, value): self._npol = value @property def nchan(self): return self._nchan @nchan.setter def nchan(self, value): self._nchan = value @property def nsblk(self): return self._nsblk @nsblk.setter def nsblk(self, value): self._nsblk = value @property def nbin(self): return self._nbin @nbin.setter def nbin(self, value): self._nbin = value @property def nrows(self): return self._nrows @nrows.setter def nrows(self, value): self._nrows = value @property def obsfreq(self): return self._obsfreq @obsfreq.setter def obsfreq(self, value): self._obsfreq = make_quant(value,'MHz') @property def obsbw(self): return self._obsbw @obsbw.setter def obsbw(self, value): self._obsbw = make_quant(value,'MHz') @property def chan_bw(self): return self._chan_bw @chan_bw.setter def chan_bw(self, value): self._chan_bw = make_quant(value,'MHz') @property def stt_imjd(self): return self._stt_imjd @stt_imjd.setter def stt_imjd(self, value): self._stt_imjd = make_quant(value, 'day') @property def stt_smjd(self): return self._stt_smjd @stt_smjd.setter def stt_smjd(self, value): self._stt_smjd = make_quant(value, 'second') @property def tsubint(self): return self._tsubint @tsubint.setter def tsubint(self, value): self._tsubint = make_quant(value, 'second')