Source code for psrsigsim.ism.ism

from __future__ import (absolute_import, division,
                        print_function, unicode_literals)
import numpy as np
from scipy import stats
import scipy.signal as spsig
import sys, time
from ..utils.utils import make_quant, shift_t
from ..utils.constants import DM_K
from ..utils.constants import KOLMOGOROV_BETA
from ..pulsar.portraits import DataPortrait

[docs]class ISM(object): ''' Class for modeling interstellar medium effects on pulsar signals. ''' def __init__(self): '''''' pass
[docs] def disperse(self, signal, dm): r""" Function to calculate the dispersion per frequency bin for :math:`1/\nu^{2}` dispersion. .. math:: \Delta t_{\rm{DM}} = 4.15\times 10^{6}~\rm{ms} \times \rm{DM} \times \frac{1}{\nu^{2}} """ signal._dm = make_quant(dm,'pc/cm^3') if hasattr(signal,'_dispersed'): raise ValueError('Signal has already been dispersed!') if signal.sigtype=='FilterBankSignal': self._disperse_filterbank(signal, signal._dm) elif signal.sigtype=='BasebandSignal': self._disperse_baseband(signal, signal._dm) signal._dispersed = True
def _disperse_filterbank(self, signal, dm): #freq in MHz, delays in milliseconds freq_array = signal._dat_freq time_delays = (DM_K * dm * np.power(freq_array,-2)).to('ms') if signal.delay==None: signal._delay=time_delays else: signal._delay += time_delays #Dispersion as compared to infinite frequency shift_dt = (1/signal._samprate).to('ms') shift_start = time.time() # check if there are less than 20 frequency channels if signal.Nchan <= 20: div_fac = 1 else: div_fac = 20 for ii, freq in enumerate(freq_array): signal._data[ii,:] = shift_t(signal._data[ii,:], time_delays[ii].value, dt=shift_dt.value) if (ii+1) % int(signal.Nchan//div_fac) ==0: shift_check = time.time() percent = round((ii + 1)*100/signal.Nchan) elapsed = shift_check-shift_start chk_str = '\r{0:2.0f}% dispersed'.format(percent) chk_str += ' in {0:4.3f} seconds.'.format(elapsed) try: print(chk_str , end='', flush=True) #This is the Python 2 version #__future__ does not have 'flush' kwarg. except: print(chk_str , end='') sys.stdout.flush() def _disperse_baseband(self, signal, dm): """ Broadens & delays baseband signal w transfer function defined in PSR Handbook, D. Lorimer and M. Kramer, 2006 Returns a baseband signal dispersed by the ISM. """ for x in range(signal.Nchan): sig = signal._data[x] f0 = signal._fcent dt = (1/signal._samprate).to('us') fourier = np.fft.rfft(sig) u = make_quant(np.fft.rfftfreq(2 * len(fourier) - 1,'s').value), 'MHz') f = # u in [0,bw], f in [-bw/2, bw/2] # Lorimer & Kramer 2006, eqn. 5.21 H = np.exp(1j*2*np.pi*DM_K/((f+f0)*f0**2)*dm*f**2) product = fourier*H Dispersed = np.fft.irfft(product) signal._data[x] = Dispersed
[docs] def FD_shift(self, signal, FD_params): r""" This calculates the delay that will be added due to an arbitrary number of input FD parameters following the NANOGrav standard as defined in Arzoumanian et al. 2016. It will then shift the pulse profiles by the appropriate amount based on these parameters. FD values should be input in units of seconds, frequency array in MHz FD values can be a list or an array .. math:: \Delta t_{\rm{FD}} = \sum_{i=1}^{n} c_{i} \log\left({\frac{\nu}{1~\rm{GHz}}}\right)^{i}. """ #freq in MHz, delays in milliseconds freq_array = signal._dat_freq # define the reference frequency ref_freq = make_quant(1000.0, 'MHz') # calculate the delay added in for the parameters time_delays = make_quant(np.zeros(len(freq_array)), 'ms') # will be in seconds for ii in range(len(FD_params)): time_delays += np.double(make_quant(FD_params[ii], 's').to('ms') * \ np.power(np.log(freq_array/ref_freq),ii+1)) # will be in seconds if signal.delay==None: signal._delay=time_delays else: signal._delay += time_delays # get time shift based on the sample rate shift_dt = (1/signal._samprate).to('ms') shift_start = time.time() # check if there are less than 20 frequency channels if signal.Nchan <= 20: div_fac = 1 else: div_fac = 20 for ii, freq in enumerate(freq_array): signal._data[ii,:] = shift_t(signal._data[ii,:], time_delays[ii].value, dt=shift_dt.value) if (ii+1) % int(signal.Nchan//div_fac) ==0: shift_check = time.time() percent = round((ii + 1)*100/signal.Nchan) elapsed = shift_check-shift_start chk_str = '\r{0:2.0f}% shifted'.format(percent) chk_str += ' in {0:4.3f} seconds.'.format(elapsed) try: print(chk_str , end='', flush=True) #This is the Python 2 version #__future__ does not have 'flush' kwarg. except: print(chk_str , end='') sys.stdout.flush() # May need to add tihs parameter to signal signal._FDshifted = True
[docs] def scatter_broaden(self, signal, tau_d, ref_freq, beta = KOLMOGOROV_BETA, \ convolve = False, pulsar = None): """ Function to add scatter broadening delays to simulated data. We offer two methods to do this, one where the delay is calcuated and the pulse signals is directly shifted by the calculated delay (as done in the disperse function), or the scattering delay exponentials are directy convolved with the pulse profiles. If this option is chosen, the scatter broadening must be done BEFORE pulsar.make_pulses() is run. Parameters ---------- signal [object] : signal class object which has been previously defined tau_d [float] : scattering delay [seconds] ref_freq [float] : reference frequency [MHz] at which tau_d was measured beta [float] : preferred scaling law for tau_d, default is for a Kolmoogorov medium (11/3) convolve [bool] : If False, signal will be directly shifted in time by scattering delay; if True, scattering delay tails will be directly convolved with the pulse profiles. pulsar [object] : previously defined pulsar class object with profile already assigned """ # First get and define values to use freq_array = signal._dat_freq ref_freq = make_quant(ref_freq, 'MHz') tau_d = make_quant(tau_d, 's').to('ms') # need compatible units with dt # Scale the scattering timescale with frequency tau_d_scaled = self.scale_tau_d(tau_d, ref_freq , freq_array, beta=beta) # First shift signal if convolve = False if not convolve: if signal.delay==None: signal._delay=tau_d_scaled else: signal._delay += tau_d_scaled # define bin size to shift by shift_dt = (1/signal._samprate).to('ms') shift_start = time.time() # check if there are less than 20 frequency channels if signal.Nchan <= 20: div_fac = 1 else: div_fac = 20 # now loop through and scale things appropriately for ii, freq in enumerate(freq_array): signal._data[ii,:] = shift_t(signal._data[ii,:], tau_d_scaled[ii].value, dt=shift_dt.value) if (ii+1) % int(signal.Nchan//div_fac) ==0: shift_check = time.time() percent = round((ii + 1)*100/signal.Nchan) elapsed = shift_check-shift_start chk_str = '\r{0:2.0f}% scatter shifted'.format(percent) chk_str += ' in {0:4.3f} seconds.'.format(elapsed) try: print(chk_str , end='', flush=True) #This is the Python 2 version #__future__ does not have 'flush' kwarg. except: print(chk_str , end='') sys.stdout.flush() else: # Make the initial profile data array at correct sample rate Nph = int((signal.samprate * pulsar.period).decompose()) pulsar.Profiles.init_profiles(Nph, signal.Nchan) # Now make the profiles with Nph bins phs = np.linspace(0.0, 1.0, Nph) # full_profs is a data array of the profiles full_profs = pulsar.Profiles.calc_profiles(phs, signal.Nchan) # Now we make the array of exponential scattering tails t = np.linspace(0, pulsar.period, Nph) EXP_array = np.zeros((signal.Nchan, Nph)) #Iterating over the tau arrays where each profile corresponds to the respective tau index for ii, tau_scatter in enumerate(tau_d_scaled): EXP = (np.exp(-t/tau_scatter)) EXP_array[ii,:] = EXP # Now we convolve the profiles convolved_profs = self.convolve_profile(full_profs, EXP_array, \ width=Nph) # Now we reassign the pulsar profile object pulsar._Profiles = DataPortrait(convolved_profs)
[docs] def convolve_profile(self, profiles, convolve_array, width = 2048): """ Function to convolve some array generated by a function with the previously assigned pulsar pulse profiles. Main use case is in convolving exponential scattering tails with the input pulse profiles, however any input array can be convolved. NOTE: This function only returns the array of convolved profiles, it does NOT reassign the pulsar objects profiles. Parameters ---------- profiles [array] : data array of pulse profiles generated with the 'calc_profiles' function. convolve_array [array] : data array representing the function that will be convolved with the pulse profiles. Should be the same shape as 'profiles'. width [int] : number of bins desired from the resulting convolved profiles. Default is 2048 bins across the profile. Should be the same number as the original input profiles. """ for ii, freq in enumerate(convolve_array): #Normalizing the pulse profile pulsar_prof_sum = np.sum(profiles[ii,:]) pulsar_prof_norm = profiles[ii,:] / pulsar_prof_sum #Normalizing the input array convolve_array_sum = np.sum(convolve_array[ii,:]) convolve_array_norm = convolve_array[ii,:] / convolve_array_sum #Convolving the input array with the pulse profile convolved_prof = spsig.convolve(pulsar_prof_norm, convolve_array_norm, \ mode='full',method='fft') #Renormalizing the convolved pulse profile profiles[ii,:] = (pulsar_prof_sum)*(convolved_prof[:width]) return profiles
''' Written by Michael Lam, 2017 Scale dnu_d and dt_d based on: dnu_d propto nu^(22/5) dt_d propto nu^(6/5) / transverse velocity See Stinebring and Condon 1990 for scalings with beta (they call it alpha) TODO: Should units be assigned here, or earlier? '''
[docs] def scale_dnu_d(self,dnu_d,nu_i,nu_f,beta=KOLMOGOROV_BETA): """ Scaling law for scintillation bandwidth as a function of frequency. Parameters ---------- dnu_d [float] : scintillation bandwidth [MHz] nu_i [float] : reference frequency at which du_d was measured [MHz] nu_f [float] : frequency (or frequency array) to scale dnu_d to [MHz] beta [float] : preferred scaling law for dnu_d, default is for a Kolmogorov medium (11/3) """ #dnu_d = make_quant(dnu_d, 'MHz') if beta < 4: exp = 2.0*beta/(beta-2) #(22.0/5) elif beta > 4: exp = 8.0/(6-beta) return dnu_d*(nu_f/nu_i)**exp
[docs] def scale_dt_d(self,dt_d,nu_i,nu_f,beta=KOLMOGOROV_BETA): """ Scaling law for scintillation timescale as a function of frequency. Parameters ---------- dt_d [float] : scintillation timescale [seconds] nu_i [float] : reference frequency at which du_d was measured [MHz] nu_f [float] : frequency (or frequency array) to scale dnu_d to [MHz] beta [float] : preferred scaling law for dt_d, default is for a Kolmoogorov medium (11/3) """ # dt_d = make_quant(dt_d, 's') if beta < 4: exp = 2.0/(beta-2) #(6.0/5) elif beta > 4: exp = float(beta-2)/(6-beta) return dt_d*(nu_f/nu_i)**exp
[docs] def scale_tau_d(self,tau_d,nu_i,nu_f,beta=KOLMOGOROV_BETA): """ Scaling law for the scattering timescale as a function of frequency. Parameters ---------- tau_d [float] : scattering timescale [seconds?] nu_i [float] : reference frequency at which du_d was measured [MHz] nu_f [float] : frequency (or frequency array) to scale dnu_d to [MHz] beta [float] : preferred scaling law for tau_d, default is for a Kolmoogorov medium (11/3) """ #tau_d = make_quant(tau_d, 's') if beta < 4: exp = -2.0*beta/(beta-2) #(-22.0/5) elif beta > 4: exp = -8.0/(6-beta) return tau_d*(nu_f/nu_i)**exp