Source code for psrsigsim.signal.fb_signal

from __future__ import (absolute_import, division,
                        print_function, unicode_literals)
import numpy as np
from scipy import stats

from .signal import BaseSignal
from ..utils.utils import make_quant
import astropy.units as u

[docs]class FilterBankSignal(BaseSignal): """ A filter bank signal, breaking the time domain signal into RF bins. Unlike purely time domain signals, :class:`FilterBankSignal` \'s are 2-D arrays. Filter banks record the intensity of the signal and can be much more sparsely sampled. The time binning must accurately capture the pulse profile, not the RF oscillations. In practice a filter bank is generated from the observed time domain signal by the telescope backend. We allow for direct filter bank signals to save memory. Required Args: fcent [float]: central radio frequency (MHz) bandwidth [float]: radio bandwidth of signal (MHz) Optional Args: Nsubband [int]: number of sub-bands, default ``512`` XUPPI backends use 2048 frequency channels divided between the four Stokes parameters, so 512 per Stokes parameter. sample_rate [float]: sample rate of data (MHz), default: ``None`` If no ``sample_rate`` is given the observation will default to the 20.48 us per sample (about 50 kHz). This is the sample rate for coherently dedispersed filter banks using XUPPI backends. # subint is now depricated for 'FOLD' #subint [bool]: is this a folded subintegration, default ``False`` sublen [float]: desired length of data subintegration (sec) if subint is ``True``, default: ``tobs``. If left as none but subint is ``True``, then when pulses are made, the sublen will default to the input observation length, ``tobs`` dtype [type]: data type of array, default: ``np.float32`` supported types are: ``np.float32`` and ``np.int8`` fold [bool]: If `True`, the initialized signal will be folded to some number of subintegrations based on sublen (else will just make a single subintegration). If `False`, the data produced will be single pulse filterbank data. Default is `True`. NOTE - using `False` will generate a large amount of data. """ #TODO: full stokes. Currently this is just stokes-I # add flag `fullstokes=False` # How do you simulate other stokes params without some bigger # assumption on polarization? # data -> dict? keyed with "I", "Q", "U", "V" _sigtype = "FilterBankSignal" _Nfold = None def __init__(self, fcent, bandwidth, Nsubband=512, sample_rate=None, #subint=False, sublen=None, dtype=np.float32, fold=True): # Currently only simulate total intensity self._Npols = 1 self._fcent = make_quant(fcent, 'MHz') # Check if bandwidth is negative; only an issue when making signal from fitsfile if bandwidth < 0: self._bw = make_quant(np.abs(bandwidth), 'MHz') else: self._bw = make_quant(bandwidth, 'MHz') self._fold = fold if self.fold and sublen != None: self._sublen = make_quant(sublen, 's') else: self._sublen = sublen f_Nyquist = 2 * self._bw # Not sure if we need this for subintegrated data if sample_rate is None: self._samprate = (1/make_quant(20.48, 'us')).to('MHz') else: # This seems unnecessary for subintegrated data, we don't need that resolution if period is known self._samprate = make_quant(sample_rate, 'MHz') if self._samprate < f_Nyquist: msg = ("specified sample rate {} < Nyquist frequency {}" .format(self._samprate, f_Nyquist)) print("Warning: "+msg) # Determine frequency array if not loaded from fitsfile self._Nchan = Nsubband first = (self._fcent - self._bw/2).to('MHz').value last = (self._fcent + self._bw/2).to('MHz').value step = (self._bw / self._Nchan).to('MHz').value self._dat_freq = np.arange(first, last, step) * u.MHz self._dtype = dtype self._set_draw_norm() # set total delay added to signal to be None self._delay = None def _set_draw_norm(self, df=1): if self.dtype is np.float32: self._draw_max = 200 self._draw_norm = 1 if self.dtype is np.int8: limit = stats.chi2.ppf(0.999, df) self._draw_max = np.iinfo(np.int8).max self._draw_norm = self._draw_max/limit #@property #def subint(self): # return self._subint @property def fold(self): return self._fold @property def sublen(self): return self._sublen @property def Nfold(self): return self._Nfold @property def nsub(self): return self._nsub @property def nsamp(self): return self._nsamp
[docs] def to_RF(self): """convert signal to RFSignal """ # BB = self.to_Baseband() # return BB.to_RF() raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def to_Baseband(self): """convert signal to BasebandSignal """ # so many ffts!!... I think it only works if FB is full-Stokes raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def to_FilterBank(self, Nsubband=512): """convert signal to FilterBankSignal """ #TODO allow for scrunching? (i.e. reducing Nchan) return self