Source code for psrsigsim.simulate.simulate

from __future__ import (absolute_import, division,
                        print_function, unicode_literals)
import numpy as np
from astropy import log

from ..signal import FilterBankSignal
from ..telescope import Telescope, Receiver, Backend
from ..telescope import telescope
from ..pulsar import Pulsar
from ..pulsar import GaussPortrait
from ..pulsar import UserPortrait
from ..pulsar import DataPortrait
from ..pulsar import DataProfile
from ..ism import ISM
from import PSRFITS, TxtFile
from ..utils.utils import make_par

[docs]class Simulation(object): """convenience class for full simulations. Necessary information includes all minimal parameters for instances of each other class, Signal, Pulsar, ISM, Telescope. Input may be specified manually, from a pre-made parfile with additional input, e.g. for the Signal, or from a premade dictionary with appropriate keys. Parameters ---------- fcent : float] Central radio frequency (MHz) bandwidth : float Radio bandwidth of signal (MHz) Nsubband : int Number of sub-bands, default ``512`` XUPPI backends use 2048 frequency channels divided between the four Stokes parameters, so 512 per Stokes parameter. sample_rate : float Sample rate of data (MHz), default: ``None`` If no ``sample_rate`` is given the observation will default to the 20.48 us per sample (about 50 kHz). This is the sample rate for coherently dedispersed filter banks using XUPPI backends. sublen : float Desired length of data subintegration (sec) if subint is ``True``, default: ``tobs``. If left as none but subint is ``True``, then when pulses are made, the sublen will default to the input observation length, ``tobs`` dtype : type Data type of array, default: ``np.float32`` supported types are: ``np.float32`` and ``np.int8`` fold : bool If `True`, the initialized signal will be folded to some number of subintegrations based on sublen (else will just make a single subintegration). If `False`, the data produced will be single pulse filterbank data. Default is `True`. NOTE - using `False` will generate a large amount of data. period : float Pulse period (sec) Smean : float Mean pulse flux density (Jy) profile : array or function or Pulse Profile/Portrait Class Pulse profile or 2-D pulse portrait, this can take four forms: array - either an array of Gaussian components in the order [peak phase, width, amplitude] OR A data array representative of the pulse profile, or samples of the profile from phases between 0 and 1. Data array must have more than 3 points. function - function defining the shape of the profile given a of input phases. CURRENTLY NOT IMPLEMENTED. class - predefined PsrSigSim Pulse Profile or Pulse Portrait class object. tobs : float Total simulated observing time in seconds name : str Name of pulsar dm : float Dispersion measure of the pulsar (pc cm^-3) tau_d : float Scattering timescale to use (s) tau_d_ref_f : float reference frequency for the input scattering timescale (MHz) aperture : float Telescop aperture (m) area : float Collecting area (m^2) (if omitted, assume circular single dish) Tsys : float System temperature (K) of the telescope (if omitted use Trec) tscope_name : string Name of the telescope. If GBT or Arecibo, will use predefined parameters. system_name : string Name of telescope system, backend-recviever combination. May be a list. rcvr_fcent: float Center frequency of the telescope reciever. May be a list. rcvr_bw : float Bandwidth of the telescope reciever. May be a list. rcvr_name : string Name of the telescope reciever. May be a list. backend_samprate : float Sampling rate (in MHz) of the telescope backend. May be a list. backend_name : string Name of the telescope backend. May be a list. tempfile : string Path to template psrfits file to use for saving simulated data. parfile : string Path to pulsar par file to read in to use for pulsar parameters psrdict : dictionary Dictionary of input parameters to generate simualted data from. Keys should be the same as possible input values listed above. """ def __init__(self, fcent = None, bandwidth = None, sample_rate = None, dtype = np.float32, Npols = 1, Nchan = 512, sublen = None, fold = True, period = None, Smean = None, profiles = None, tobs = None, name = None, dm = None, tau_d = None, tau_d_ref_f = None, aperture = None, area = None, Tsys = None, tscope_name = None, system_name = None, rcvr_fcent = None, rcvr_bw = None, rcvr_name = None, backend_samprate = None, backend_name = None, tempfile = None, parfile = None, psrdict = None,): # Assign values from manual input self._fcent = fcent self._bandwidth = bandwidth self._sample_rate = sample_rate self._Npols = Npols self._Nchan = Nchan self._sublen = sublen self._fold = fold self._period = period self._Smean = Smean self._profiles = profiles self._tobs = tobs self._name = name self._dm = dm self._tau_d = tau_d self._tau_d_ref_f = tau_d_ref_f self._aperture = aperture self._area = area self._Tsys = Tsys self._tscope_name = tscope_name self._system_name = system_name self._rcvr_fcent = rcvr_fcent self._rcvr_bw = rcvr_bw self._rcvr_name = rcvr_name self._backend_samprate = backend_samprate self._backend_name = backend_name self._tempfile = tempfile # Assign values from parfile if parfile != None: self.params_from_par(parfile) # Assign values from dictionary if psrdict != None: self.params_from_dict(psrdict)
[docs] def params_from_dict(self, psrdict): """ Function to take the input dictionary and assign values from that. """ for key in psrdict.keys(): setattr(self, "_"+key, psrdict[key])
[docs] def params_from_par(self, parfile): """ Function to take input par file and assign values from that. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def init_signal(self, from_template = False): """ Function to initialize a signal from the input parameters. Parameters ---------- from_template : bool If True, will use the input template file to initialize the signal. If False will use other input values to initialize the signal. """ if from_template: pfit = PSRFITS(path="sim_fits.fits", template=self.tempfile, fits_mode='copy', \ obs_mode='PSR') sim_signal = pfit.make_signal_from_psrfits() self._signal = sim_signal else: sim_signal = FilterBankSignal(fcent = self.fcent, bandwidth =, Nsubband=self.Nchan,\ sample_rate=self.samprate, fold=self.fold, sublen=self.sublen) self._signal = sim_signal
[docs] def init_profile(self): """ Function to initialize a profile object from input. """ # First check if the profile is a class proftypes = [GaussPortrait, UserPortrait, DataPortrait, DataProfile] if any(isinstance(self.profiles, x) for x in proftypes): pass elif isinstance(self.profiles, (list, np.ndarray)): if len(self.profiles) == 3: prof = GaussPortrait(peak = self.profiles[0], width = self.profiles[1], amp = self.profiles[2]) elif len(self.profiles) > 3: prof = DataProfile(self.profiles, phases = None, Nchan=self.Nchan) else: raise RuntimeError("Input profile array has too few values!") elif callable(self.profiles): raise NotImplementedError() else: log.warning("Unrecognized input profile type, defaulting to Gaussian.") prof = GaussPortrait() # Reassign the profile as the class object if not any(isinstance(self.profiles, x) for x in proftypes): self._profiles = prof
[docs] def init_pulsar(self): """ Function to initialize a pulsar from the input parameters. NOTE - Must have initialized the profile before running this. """ # Define the pulsar pulsar = Pulsar(period=self.period, Smean=self.Smean, \ profiles=self.profiles, self._pulsar = pulsar
[docs] def init_ism(self): """ Function to initialize the ISM from the input parameters. """ ism = ISM() self._ism = ism
[docs] def init_telescope(self): """ Function to initialize the telescope from input parameters. """ if self.tscope_name == 'GBT': tscope = telescope.GBT() elif self.tscope_name == 'Arecibo': tscope = telescope.Arecibo() else: tscope = Telescope(self.aperture, area = self.area, Tsys = self.Tsys, name = self.tscope_name) # Now need to add systems if type(self.rcvr_fcent) is list: if not len(self.system_name) == len(self.rcvr_fcent) == len(self.rcvr_bw) == \ len(self.rcvr_name) == len(self.backend_samprate) == len(self.backend_name): raise RuntimeError("Number of telescope system entries do not match!") # Now make the systems for ii in range(len(self.rcvr_fcent)): tscope.add_system(name=self.system_name[ii], receiver=Receiver(fcent=self.rcvr_fcent[ii], bandwidth=self.rcvr_bw[ii], name=self.rcvr_name[ii]), backend=Backend(samprate=self.backend_samprate[ii], name=self.backend_name[ii])) elif self.rcvr_fcent != None: tscope.add_system(name=self.system_name, receiver=Receiver(fcent=self.rcvr_fcent, bandwidth=self.rcvr_bw, name=self.rcvr_name), backend=Backend(samprate=self.backend_samprate, name=self.backend_name)) # If not entered, do not add any systems self._tscope = tscope
[docs] def simulate(self, from_template = False): """ Function to run the full simulation. Parameters ---------- from_template : bool If True, will use the input template file to initialize the signal. If False will use other input values to initialize the signal. twoD : bool If True, will generate a 2-D profile array, else will do a 1-D and will tile the profile in frequency. """ # We start by initializing things self.init_signal(from_template = False) # Initialize the profile self.init_profile() # Now the pulsar self.init_pulsar() # Now the ISM self.init_ism() # Now check if profiles need to be convolved for scatter broadening. if self.tau_d != None: self.ism.scatter_broaden(self.signal, self.tau_d, self.tau_d_ref_f, convolve=True, pulsar=self.pulsar) # Now make the pulses self.pulsar.make_pulses(self.signal, tobs = self.tobs) # disperse the simulated pulses self.ism.disperse(self.signal, # TODO: Add in FD parameter or other delays in ISM # Now add the telescope and radiometer noise self.init_telescope() # add radiometer noise # TODO: figure out how to do multiple systems out_array = self.tscope.observe(self.signal, self.pulsar, system=self.system_name, noise=True)
[docs] def save_simulation(self, outfile = "simfits", out_format = 'psrfits', phaseconnect = False, parfile = None, ref_MJD = 56000.0, MJD_start = 55999.9861) : """ Function to save the simulated data in a default format. Currently only PSRFITS is supported. Parameters ---------- outfile : string Path and name of output save file. If not provided, output file is "simfits". out_format : string Format of output file (not case sensitive). Options are: 'psrfits' - PSRFITS format. Requires template file. 'pdv' - PSRCHIVE pdv format. Output is a text file. phaseconnect : bool Make sure to phase connect output data if output format is PSRFITS. parfile : string Parfile to use to make phase connection polycos. If none supplied will attempt to create one. ref_MJD : float Reference MJD for phase connection. MJD_start : float Desired start time of the simulated observation. Needed for phase connection. """ # Now save the data if desired if out_format.lower() == 'psrfits': if outfile == 'simfits': outfile += ".fits" if self.tempfile == None: raise RuntimeError("No template PSRFITS file provided.") else: pfit = PSRFITS(path=outfile, template=self.tempfile, fits_mode='copy', \ obs_mode='PSR') pfit._get_signal_params(signal = self.signal) # Now save the data if phaseconnect and parfile == None: log.warning("No par file provided, attempting to make one...") make_par(self.signal, self.pulsar, outpar = "simpar.par") parfile = "simpar.par", self.pulsar, phaseconnect = phaseconnect, parfile = parfile, \ MJD_start = MJD_start, segLength = 60.0,\ ref_MJD = ref_MJD, usePint = True) elif out_format.lower() == 'pdv': if outfile == 'simfits': outfile += ".ar" txtfile = TxtFile(path=outfile) txtfile.save_psrchive_pdv(self.signal, self.pulsar) else: raise RuntimeError("Unrecognized output file format: %s" % (out_format))
@property def fold(self): return self._fold @property def sublen(self): return self._sublen @property def Nchan(self): return self._Nchan @property def fcent(self): return self._fcent @property def bw(self): return self._bandwidth @property def tobs(self): return self._tobs @property def samprate(self): return self._sample_rate @property def dtype(self): return self._dtype @property def Npols(self): return self._Npols @property def dm(self): return self._dm @property def tau_d(self): return self._tau_d @property def tau_d_ref_f(self): return self._tau_d_ref_f @property def profiles(self): return self._profiles @property def name(self): return self._name @property def period(self): return self._period @property def Smean(self): return self._Smean @property def tscope_name(self): return self._tscope_name @property def area(self): return self._area @property def aperture(self): return self._aperture @property def Tsys(self): return self._Tsys @property def system_name(self): return self._system_name @property def rcvr_fcent(self): return self._rcvr_fcent @property def rcvr_bw(self): return self._rcvr_bw @property def rcvr_name(self): return self._rcvr_name @property def backend_samprate(self): return self._backend_samprate @property def backend_name(self): return self._backend_name @property def tempfile(self): return self._tempfile @property def signal(self): return self._signal @property def pulsar(self): return self._pulsar @property def ism(self): return self._ism @property def tscope(self): return self._tscope