Source code for psrsigsim.telescope.telescope

from __future__ import (absolute_import, division,
                        print_function, unicode_literals)
import numpy as np

from .receiver import Receiver, _flat_response, response_from_data
from .backend import Backend
from ..utils.utils import make_quant, down_sample, rebin

__all__ = ['Telescope', 'GBT', 'Arecibo']

_kB = make_quant(1.38064852e+03, "Jy*m^2/K")  # Boltzmann const in radio units

[docs]class Telescope(object): """contains: observe(), noise(), rfi() methods""" def __init__(self, aperture, area=None, Tsys=None, name=None): """initalize telescope object aperture: aperture (m) area: collecting area (m^2) (if omitted, assume circular single dish) Tsys: System temperature (K) of the telescope (if omitted use Trec) name: string """ # noqa E501 #TODO: specify Trec in Receiver and compute others from pointing self._name = name self._aperture = make_quant(aperture, "m") self._systems = {} if area is None: # assume circular single dish self._area = np.pi * (self.aperture/2)**2 else: self._area = make_quant(area, "m^2") self._gain = self.area / (2*_kB) # 2 polarizations if Tsys == None: self._Tsys = Tsys else: self._Tsys = make_quant(Tsys, "K") def __repr__(self): return "Telescope({:s}, {:f}m)".format(self._name, self._aperture) @property def name(self): return self._name @property def area(self): return self._area @property def gain(self): return self._gain @property def aperture(self): return self._aperture @property def systems(self): return self._systems @property def Tsys(self): return self._Tsys
[docs] def add_system(self, name=None, receiver=None, backend=None): """add_system(name=None, receiver=None, backend=None) append new system to dict systems""" self._systems[name] = (receiver, backend)
[docs] def observe(self, signal, pulsar, system=None, noise=False, ret_resampsig = False): """ Parameters ---------- signal -- Signal() instance pulsar -- Pulsar() object, necessary for radiometer noise scaling system -- dict key for system to use noise : bool If True will add radiometer noise to the signal data. ret_resampsig : bool If True will return the resampled signal as a numpy array. Otherwise will not return anything. """ msg = "sig samp freq = {0:.3f} kHz\ntel samp freq = {1:.3f} kHz" rcvr =[system][0] bak =[system][1] sig_in = dt_tel = 1/(2*bak.samprate) # if we have subintegrations, need to get new dt_sig if signal.sublen: dt_sig = signal.sublen / (signal.nsamp/signal.nsub) # bins per subint; s else: dt_sig = signal.tobs / signal.nsamp # unit: s if dt_sig == dt_tel: out = np.array(sig_in, dtype=float) elif dt_tel % dt_sig == 0: SampFactor = int(dt_tel // dt_sig) new_Nt = int(signal.nsamp//SampFactor) if signal.sigtype == 'voltage': out = np.zeros((signal.Npols, new_Nt)) else: out = np.zeros((signal.Nchan, new_Nt)) for ii, row in enumerate(sig_in): out[ii, :] = down_sample(row, SampFactor) print(msg.format((1/dt_sig).to("kHz").value, (1/dt_tel).to("kHz").value)) elif dt_tel > dt_sig: new_Nt = int(signal.tobs // dt_tel) if signal.sigtype == 'voltage': out = np.zeros((signal.Npols, new_Nt)) else: out = np.zeros((signal.Nchan, new_Nt)) for ii, row in enumerate(sig_in): out[ii, :] = rebin(row, new_Nt) print(msg.format((1/dt_sig).to("kHz").value, (1/dt_tel).to("kHz").value)) else: # input signal has lower samp freq than telescope samp freq # We will need to fix this eventually but for now we will circumvent out = np.array(sig_in, dtype=float) if noise: # The noise is getting added to the data in the radiometer noise function; this function as no output # Need to look into this resampling as well rcvr.radiometer_noise(signal, pulsar, gain=self.gain) if signal.sigtype == 'voltage': # Difference between gauss and gamma draw here? clip = signal._draw_max out[out>clip] = clip out[out<-clip] = -clip else: # Difference between gauss and gamma draw here? clip = signal._draw_max out[out>clip] = clip out = np.array(out, dtype=signal.dtype) if ret_resampsig: # Return the downsampled signal return out
def apply_response(self, signal): raise NotImplementedError() def rfi(self): raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def init_signal(self, system): """init_signal(system) instantiate a signal object with same Nt, Nf, bandwidth, etc as the system to be used for observation""" raise NotImplementedError()
# Convenience functions to construct GBT and AO telescopes #TODO: should these be pre-instantiated? #TODO: check Receivear centfreq & bandwidth """ About G/ASP and XUPPI backend sampling rates and bandwidths. May need to change some of these evetually... From Paul Demorest: so both instruments work by sampling a "wide" band then digitally filtering into a number of smaller channels, with reduced rate per-channel. do you need the original rate, or the per-channel rate? anyways, for GUPPI/PUPPI the original sampling rate is either 1.6 GHz, 400 MHz, or 200 MHz depending on which total BW mode was in use (800, 200, or 100 MHz), we use different modes for different receivers. for ASP/GASP original sample rate was fixed at 128 MHz. The per-channel rate in all cases is equal to the channel BW (because a complex data representation was used). 4 MHz for ASP/GASP and 1.5625 for GUPPI/PUPPI for nanograv obs. """ def GBT(): """The 100m Green Bank Telescope at ~1 GHz: effective area ~ 5500 m^2 Tsys ~ 35 K see: """ # noqa E501 g = Telescope(100.0, area=5500.0, Tsys=35.0, name="GBT") g.add_system(name="820_GUPPI", receiver=Receiver(fcent=820, bandwidth=180, name="820"), # check me backend=Backend(samprate=3.125, name="GUPPI")) g.add_system(name="Lband_GUPPI", receiver=Receiver(fcent=1400, bandwidth=800, name="Lband"), # check me backend=Backend(samprate=12.5, name="GUPPI")) # Parameters from NANOGrav 9 year paper g.add_system(name="800_GASP", receiver=Receiver(fcent=844, bandwidth=64, name="800"), # check me backend=Backend(samprate=0.25, name="GASP")) g.add_system(name="Lband_GASP", receiver=Receiver(fcent=1410, bandwidth=64, name="Lband"), # check me backend=Backend(samprate=0.25, name="GASP")) return g def Arecibo(): """The Arecibo 300m Telescope with Lwide: effective area ~ 22000 m^2 (G~10) Tsys ~ 35 K see: """ a = Telescope(300.0, area=22000.0, Tsys=35.0, name="Arecibo") a.add_system(name="430_PUPPI", receiver=Receiver(fcent=430, bandwidth=100, name="430"), # check me backend=Backend(samprate=1.5625, name="PUPPI")) a.add_system(name="Lband_PUPPI", receiver=Receiver(fcent=1410, bandwidth=800, name="Lband"), # check me backend=Backend(samprate=12.5, name="PUPPI")) a.add_system(name="Sband_PUPPI", receiver=Receiver(fcent=2030, bandwidth=400, name="Sband"), # check me backend=Backend(samprate=12.5, name="PUPPI")) # Parameters from NANOGrav 9 year paper a.add_system(name="327_ASP", receiver=Receiver(fcent=327, bandwidth=64, name="327"), # check me backend=Backend(samprate=0.25, name="ASP")) a.add_system(name="430_ASP", receiver=Receiver(fcent=432, bandwidth=64, name="430"), # check me backend=Backend(samprate=0.25, name="ASP")) a.add_system(name="Lband_ASP", receiver=Receiver(fcent=1412, bandwidth=64, name="Lband"), # check me backend=Backend(samprate=0.25, name="ASP")) a.add_system(name="Sband_ASP", receiver=Receiver(fcent=2348, bandwidth=64, name="Sband"), # check me backend=Backend(samprate=0.25, name="ASP")) return a